Biodiversity Rescue Club (BRC) is a growing network of young and enthusiastic biodiversity protectors, leading the advocacy for the sustenance of all of nature's life. Bio-rescuers defend the earth's biodiversity from human threats such as pollution, over-exploitation, and habitat destruction and encourage the use of alternative and eco-friendly means of both industrial and non-industrial production as well as the practice of responsible consumption.
BRC's mission is to inform society and support her on the sustenance of the earth's biodiversity as well as hold her accountable when she irresponsibly desecrates any form of life, towards ensuring the sustenance of the earth's biodiversity.
BRC envisions an earth where all of life has a natural opportunity to live.
1. Advocate for the protection and conservation of the earth's biodiversity through but not limited to the promotion of environmental education in schools.
2. Assist in the sanitation of the environment.
3. Plant trees to foster reforestation.
4. Visit and maintain nature Conserved areas.
5. Hold accountable anyone or group who desecrates the earth's biodiversity irresponsibly by reporting wildlife crimes.